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Thursday, 20 October 2011

A Suprise Gift part 2

   When I first met them in the meeting room, I warned myself not to get close with them.I must show my professionalism by keep distance from them. They are just students from Taiwan who came here to offer their help. But, one month is long enough for strangers to become brothers and sisters..WalaoA...my worst nightmare is to be attached with them....Haiz...since GOD send them to comfort me...well I have to accept the fact that they have been part of my life.

The reason why I am writing this post is because I want them to know that how much I love them...

Well the first intruder in my life is Daniel Ma.... ( My Butter/Mentee)

    Assistant Principal wanted him to be my mentee because she told me that we share lot of similarities. Well, .My first impression towards him ..He is a person with attitude but XXXX...wahahaha....I didnt want to care much about him as I mentioned earlier... I wanted to keep distance from him....However, when God started to interfere......it is impossible for me to keep distance him..We started to know each other well when I brought to Portuegese village to taste our local seafood...well, as Malaysian, we have the courtesy to treat our friends and I did give him a letter before he returned back to Taiwan...but his second return to Malaysia touched me ....I still can remember vividly on the last day before he went back to Taiwan....He was trying his best to make everyone happy and I was touched by his words..Butter I will never forget what you told me in the airport and Thanks for everything...You will always be in my heart.....

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